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Senior Placement

Premier Senior Care Sevices

When it comes to finding the right senior housing facility for your loved ones, you are not alone. Our Placement Specialists understands that change can be very stressful and moving can be overwhelming and emotional to those involved. Premier Senior Care Services will help families find the best senior living options, specifically tailored to meet you or your loved ones financial and healthcare needs.

Whether you are looking for a Board and Care, Independent Living, Assisted Living, or Memory Care, the search to find the perfect fit for you or your loved ones has never been easier. Premier Senior Care Services is your trusted local source for information, advice, guidance, and placement service for your senior housing needs. Premier Senior Care Services will meet with your or your loved one to perform a no-cost assessment to discuss goals, budget, and care options to best meet their needs. We will coordinate tours with the facilities, assist with physicians report, and help coordinate transportation to your new home if needed; you are not alone, we are with your every step of the way.

Senior Housing Placement

Helping you find the right home for your health and lifestyle

Our Placement Specialists are knowledgeable and can provide you with the best guidance and service in the industry.

With Premier Senior Care Services, you will always receive a personalized experience in your search for care for your loved one.

  1. We are locally owned and operated with years of expertise in healthcare at home, geriatric case management, and caregiver training and education.
  2. Our rapid response ensures a smooth transition. We are advocates for the senior and provide guidance to families to make a decision for the best client outcomes while helping reduce re-hospitalization.
  3. Our Placement Specialist will meet with the client and their family to perform a no cost assessment to discuss goals, budget, and care options to best meet their needs.
  4. For quality assurance purposes, we tour each facility we contract with to ensure the highest standards of care are maintained, understand their cost structure, and ensure they are in compliance with State Licensure requirements.
  5. We coordinate with case managers, discharge planners, and social workers to expedite a safe client discharge. We maintain professional communication with the facility, client, and family throughout the entire process.

The best outcome happens when we are able to partner with the facility and client early on in the discharge process. We are committed to providing the best possible outcome for all involved.

Facility Profile

Facility TypeIndependent ADL'sAssist with ADL'sMeals ProvidedMedication ManagementNurse on-siteMultiple type room / apartmentSecond Person feeDementia QualifiedMemory Care UnitHospice WaiverLevel of Care CostCommunity Fees
Room & BoardOCC
Board & Care
Intermediate ALFMostOCCOCC
ALF/Memory Care
Facility TypeIndependent ADL'sAssist with ADL's
Room & Board
Board & Care
6-10 Bed ALF
Intermediate ALF
Large ALF
ALF/Memory Care

Facility TypeMeals ProvidedMedication Management
Room & BoardOCC
Board & Care
6-10 Bed ALF
Intermediate ALF
Large ALF
ALF/Memory Care

Facility TypeNurse on-siteMultiple type room / apartment
Room & Board
Board & Care
6-10 Bed ALFOCC
Intermediate ALFMost
Large ALF
ALF/Memory Care

Facility TypeSecond Person feeDementia Qualified
Room & Board
Board & Care
6-10 Bed ALFOCC
Intermediate ALFOCC
Large ALF
ALF/Memory Care

Facility TypeMemory Care UnitHospice Waiver
Room & Board
Board & Care
6-10 Bed ALF
Intermediate ALFOCC
ALF/Memory Care

Facility TypeLevel of Care CostCommunity Fees
Room & Board
Board & Care
6-10 Bed ALF
Intermediate ALF
Large ALF
ALF/Memory Care
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